Saturday, May 11, 2013


Fairouz and I go way way back. It all started when my father was a young man who listened to her musical Petra and decided that this was what his future child would be called. Since as long as I can remember, Fairouz's music was played in our house, and I don't recall ever disliking it. Sometimes, I did not fully understand what she was singing about, but I could not help but fall in love with her artistry. In my teenage years, I started collecting her songs. I would go for hours, searching online for Fairouz songs, plays, and any live performances. I had my favorites, of course, and I would listen to them over and over again. However, it wasn't until recently that I started finding a deeper layer to each song. Ones that I dismissed before were rediscovered to be quite extraordinary. I fell in love again with those that I always loved. So, as a summer project, I decided to review as many of her performances as I can, and say what I find amazing about them. In a way, I need this project to keep the connection between Fairouz and me alive as I find that my daily life is starting to have less and less room for her. I'm doing this mostly for myself, and I definitely do not expect that many people to stumble upon this blog. Anyway, for anyone who gets here by mistake and wonders who Fairouz is, all you need to know is that she is Lebanon's most wonderful gift to music. She performed mostly in the 60s and 70s, but continues to make music today. It is simply not fair to describe her in words, so go look up a Fairouz song and enjoy some good Middle Eastern Arabic music. Yeah, that's pretty much it.

1 comment:

  1. Hello,
    Is there any way to contact you? your song description about btetloj el deni is really heartwarming...and as a Lebanese, I would like to discuss it with you if you agree I think I can benefit from your experience a lot.
    I am open to give you my instagram if you want! Thank you, and God bless
